NDC Brainstorming Session with Block Dojo PH and Startup Founders

In the spirit of innovation and growth, the National Development Company, Block Dojo PH, and startup founders engaged in a brainstorming session about the startup landscape in the Philippines; led by the Philippine Innovation Hub’s Chief Innovation Officer, Jerahmeel Chen.

Like NDC, Block Dojo PH is dedicated to supporting and developing tech startups in the country — the very reason for this productive discussion and potential partnership.


Block Dojo PH: Toffer Briones, Managing Director | Dominic Santiago, Marketing Head | Katrina A., Marketing Manager | Rosh Cadorna, Program Manager | Juan Karlo Morales, Design Specialist | Julia Krystyne Melo, Program Associate | Gladys Cartago, Program Associate
Startup Founders: Jaimee Ruth Ligan | Warren Joseph Moises | Arvin Torres | Jiego Tanchanco